Hello Stephen

> > Now that I have a version that can handle standard local
> > manipulation (db init, setup, co, ci, merge), I have a problem when
> > syncing two databases. I received a message telling that the
> > database is too old.
> What was the exact message?
In fact, I got the message when testing with file:// scheme. When
testing with mtn:// scheme, it worked correctly.
I have to investigate on this before providing you more details.

> > What happens when syncing ?
> Lots of stuff :). Try 'mtn -v sync' to see some of it.
Yes, I tried but did not dig in it. That will be my next task :)
> > Moreover, I would like to know where can I find documentation on
> > netsync.
> The user guide gives a top level view. The source code is the best
> place for details, but it can be very confusing.
Well, that's what I thought. If it's as confusing as what I've aready
seen, it will be ok and I don't think it's that confusing ;)

I did not try but I put my public monotone key on the forge, will it be
enough to commit a new branch with my certs development for review or do
I have to provide it to someone else ?


Deux coqs vivaient en paix ; une poule survint,
Et voilà la guerre allumée.
        -+- Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695), 
            Les deux Coqs (Fables VII.12) -+-

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