
The following issue has been updated:

217 - Fail on dates with time zone indicator
Project: monotone
Status: New
Reported by: joe 23
URL: https://code.monotone.ca/p/monotone/issues/217/

Comments (last first):

# By joe 23, Jan 15, 2013:

Please consider increasing the priority of this issue and fixing it as soon as 

Since the presence of this type of cert causes basic operations like head and 
log to fail, it's a vector for making things difficult for everybody.

Not only should mtn handle time zone indicators, but it should not completely 
fail if the time can't be parsed.


# By joe 23, Oct 27, 2012:

The revision author was using guitone 1.0-rc5 with mtn 1.0 on Ubuntu.

So maybe a guitone bug, or maybe an mtn bug, depends on how strict you want to 
be about the date format. But the trailing 'Z' did work in mtn 0.38.

# By joe 23, Oct 25, 2012:

A rev with a date cert that has a time zone indicator will cause some 
operations, e.g. mtn head, to fail.

We have a checkin with a date with a trailing 'Z'. From 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 the 'Z' indicator looks valid.

This checkin was perhaps made with a very old version of mtn? Or some helper 
app? Will update this issue if and when I get the version info from the author 
of the rev.

Steps to reproduce the problem:

1. mtn local kill_certs h: date
2. mtn cert h: date 2012-10-25T12:00:00Z (or 2012-10-25T12:00:00+08)
3. mtn head or mtn log

Expected result:
Normal output

Actual results:
mtn: misuse: unrecognized date (monotone only understands ISO 8601 format)

Output of `mtn version --full`:
fails on 1.0

works on 0.38

mtn list cert h: works on both

Issue: https://code.monotone.ca/p/monotone/issues/217/

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