
On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 7:24 PM, Hendrik Boom <hend...@topoi.pooq.com> wrote:
> Just wondering -- is there a limit on the size of a monotone repository?
> I figure it's limited by the maximum file size on the file system, but
> now that those limits have gone way over 4 gigabytes, has monotone's
> data base backend kept up?

Monotone uses sqlite3, and it's limits are described here:

Page size of monotone db is 8192 (at least my databases are something
like that), max database size is something like 8192 * 2^31 should be
enough for any sane monotone database.

So in theory it should handle huge databases ...

Zbigniew Zagórski
/ software developer / geek / http://zbigg.blogspot.com /

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