On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 7:30 PM, Hendrik Boom <hend...@topoi.pooq.com> wrote:
> Monotone can certainly store any files; but can it merge changes to
> those files?
> That depends on the file formats.  Monotone does change merging on a
> line-by-line basis,  Most word-processing file formats, for example,
> are terrible at enabling change merging bcause they don't represent
> newlines as new line characters, or because they use data compresssion.
> Straight ASCII text, with newlines, is much better, and possibly also
> Microsoft's rich text format (anyone know for sure about this one?)

Really??  It would be a surprise to me that monotone's delta algorithm
would only be efficient for text files, because I have been using
monotone for many years on images and pdf files without problem
regarding performance.

I thought monotone uses xdelta, which is a binary delta algorithm that
facilitates binary merges that can be easily applied to both text and
non-text files.

Am I right, or is monotone's delta algorithm only efficient for text files?


> -- hendrik
>> > To do it I need the version software could understand the CAD
>> > assemblies or (may be easier) the version software read in a txt file
>> > the way the components are assembled.
> If it's a txt file, the kind that's memant to be hand-edited, theres
> hope,  What could get in the way is
> (1) if the entire txt file is, say, just one line.
> (2) if the entire file, as opposed to a few lines, changes wvery tine
> the CAD software makes a small change in the design.
> Most revision management systems have the same limitations.
> With monotone, it's possible to write custom merge rules.  That may be
> complicated, depending on the file format.
> -- hendrik
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                  Hugo Cornelis Ph.D.

            GENESIS-3 -- lead architect

            Neurospaces Project Architect

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