I'm trying to symbolicate a crash log for my app and I am running into
weirdness. Basically symbolicatecrash reports that my dSYM file looks
like it has been stripped:

.......fetching symbol file for myapp--[undef]
Running xcrun -sdk iphoneos lipo -info
Running xcrun -sdk iphoneos otool -arch armv6 -l
Use of uninitialized value $nlocalsym in addition (+) at
/Users/mdb/bin/symbolicatecrash line 291.
Use of uninitialized value $nextdefsym in addition (+) at
/Users/mdb/bin/symbolicatecrash line 291.
Use of uninitialized value $nextdefsym in concatenation (.) or string
at /Users/mdb/bin/symbolicatecrash line 292.
Use of uninitialized value $nlocalsym in concatenation (.) or string
at /Users/mdb/bin/symbolicatecrash line 292.

Number of symbols in myapp.app.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/myapp:  +
 = 0
## myapp.app.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/myapp appears to be
stripped, skipping.

This version of the app was built using the Release profile, though I
have added "-nosymbolstrip -nostrip" as additional mtouch arguments.

Is it necessary to build using the Debug profile if I want to
symbolicate crash logs? That seems like a total non-starter. I need to
symbolicate logs that come back from my testers. I was under the
impression that debug builds were crazy slow, and clearly I don't want
to send crazy slow builds to my testers if my app is going to perform
radically differently than it will in the release version. Plus I'd
like to be able to symbolicate crash logs that come from the release

I feel like I'm doing something wrong. I've Googled repeatedly for any
useful guide to symbolicating crash logs for MonoTouch projects and
come up empty handed. Can someone point me in the right direction?

-- m...@threerings.net
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