On Wed, Jan 19, 2005 at 02:44:49AM +0100, Daniel Jung wrote:
> Hi all
> [LambdaMOO 1.8.0r5]
> Please do this:
>    eval me:tell(me ? "I exist" | "I don't exist")
> MOO objects don't seem to be "true", and I cannot see why. Could anyone 
> enlighten me please. Both "banana", 14, {1,2,3} and #1 should exist.
> Then do this
>    eval me:tell(OBJ ? "Objects exist" | "Objects don't exist")
> Type and example are returned true when it is a string (STR and 
> `"banana"'), an integer (INT and `14') and a list (LIST and `{1,2,3}'). 
> But in OBJ, only the type is returned true; the example (be it valid or 
> not) is returned false. I find this inconsistent, but maybe this is so 
> by design?
> Last example:
>    eval me:tell(ERR ? "Errors exist" | "Errors don't exist")
>    eval me:tell(E_TYPE ? "Mismatch exists" | "Mismatch doesn't exist")

All I can say is... weird. My results seem to confirm yours, running
I don't exist
Objects exist
Errors exist
Mismatch doesn't exist

... no idea.


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