On 03/19/2010 02:28 PM, Chris Prather wrote:
On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 2:22 PM, Sir Robert Burbridge
<rburb...@cisco.com>  wrote:
Hey all,

I've read through the Moose::Manual::Types, Moose::Util::TypeConstraints,
and other things I could find.  I don't quite see how I am supposed to
create a property that holds "a derivative of class X".  For example, I
would like to do:

   package A;
   use Moose;

   package B;
   use Moose;
   extends A;

   package C;
   use Moose;
   has a =>  (isa=>'A', is=>'rw');

   ### Create "B" which extends "A"
   my $b = B->new();

   ### Create C with property "a" of value $b.  $b is an "A" derivative,
   ### so I'd like it to be ok with that.
   my $c = C->new(a=>$b);

Any help would be appreciated.


Did you try your example?

use 5.10.0;

package A;
use Moose;

package B;
use Moose;
extends qw(A);

package C;
use Moose;
has attr =>  ( isa =>  'A', is =>  'ro' );

package main;

my $o = C->new( attr =>  B->new );

say $o->dump;


$VAR1 = bless( {
                  'attr' =>  bless( {}, 'B' )
                }, 'C' );
Ooof. No, I hadn't (I just meant it as quick pseudo-code to illustrate a problem). I guess I've mis-diagnosed the problem I was having.

Sorry for the spam; thanks for the lesson =)


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