Hi, I recently upgraded Moose from 0.98 to 2.0604 and got a deprecation
warning for this code (names changed to protect the innocent)

subtype 'A', as 'Str', where { $_ eq 'foo' };
subtype 'B', as 'Str', where { $_ =~ /some regex/ };
subtype 'C', as 'Str', where { $_ =~ /different regex/ };

subtype 'Foo', as 'A|B|C', message { 'Invalid Foo' };

has foo => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Foo', required => 1, coerce => 1);

So basically, 'foo' must match one of the three subtypes, or a
warning will be issued. Of course all of the checks (there are 6 in the
real code) could be combined into a single check, but this was done
for legibility.

The warning is: "You can't coerce an attribute (foo) unless its type
(Foo) has a coercion", introduced in 1.09. If I use Moose::Deprecated
with an api_version of 0.98, the code no longer issues a warning and
continues to work.

Am I using the API wrong here? If so, what would be a better way to do
this? Is a workaround available or is there a bug?



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