On 06/29/2014 02:44 AM, Manoj Shekhawat wrote:
Hi Geeks,

Can you please give me proper justification that Moose isn't that slow,
many people in my organisation are resisting its usage by just saying
that it's slow.

I know we can increase it's speed by using:


But any other points will be very helpful, we in our organization are
deciding to build a new automation tool using Moose.

Thanks in advance!!

Manoj Shekhawat

We would need more info on where your people think it is slow at.
Personally, the only performance hits I have noticed is a hit at start up (everyone knows that), and using native delegation using 'exists' on hashes. As a test, checking a list of 75k key values against a large hash took less than a second using a native hash. Using moose with a hashref and a handle to 'exists' took about 34 seconds. That might be an issue, but the fix is easy, just don't use a handle and make your own method.


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