
I have been working on an IDL to Moose translator, and would like some advice 
on the implementation style.

The framework is:
* parse the OMG IDL 3.5 grammar with Marpa
* produce an AST of it
* use Template::Toolkit to generate a Moose version

The project is at https://github.com/jddurand/MarpaX-Languages-IDL-AST .

The first generation is trying to avoid sugars as much as possible. Nothing 
prevent to have another "style" using e.g. MooseX::Declare.

The prerequesites are:
* IDL makes a clear definition of scoped names, i.e. everything declared in an 
outer scope is visible, although not necessarily used.
  - That's why current implementation follows the "scoped" style, i.e. perl 
packages are embedded each other, like in an IDL, and I map an IDL scoped name 
to a perl scoped variable.
* The goal is NOT to provide a CORBA system. Only to map IDL to Moose style.
* Following Java, constants and IDL's enum are implemented like roles
* All Basic types are mapped to an internal type library 

The only gotcha is that I use exclusively roles, and this will not permit that 
roles that are using other roles would not import some methods, unless Moose 
hacking a-la MooseX::ComposedBehavior (AFAIK).

If some of you experts could have time to tell me what is superfluous, 
obviously wrong, etc. I would be glad to hear from you, since I claim to be a 
Moose beginner.

Let's start with a tiny example: Hello World idl

module HelloApp
  interface Hello
  string sayHello();
  oneway void shutdown();

The generated Moose is currently:
#!env perl
package HelloApp {
    use Moose::Role;
    use MRO::Compat;
    use namespace::sweep;
    use MooseX::Types -declare => [
    our $Hello = role_type Hello, { role => 'HelloApp::Hello' };

    package HelloApp::Hello {
        use Moose::Role;
        use MRO::Compat;
        use namespace::sweep;
        use MooseX::Params::Validate qw/pos_validated_list/;
        use MarpaX::Languages::IDL::AST::MooseX::_BaseTypes qw/:all/;
        requires 'sayHello';
        around 'sayHello' => sub {
            my $orig = shift;
            my $self = shift;

            return pos_validated_list( [ $self->$orig() ],
                { isa => _stringType } );
        requires 'shutdown';
        around 'shutdown' => sub {
            my $orig = shift;
            my $self = shift;

            return undef;


And an example of its use would be:

package HelloApp::HelloImpl {
    use Moose::Role;
    use MarpaX::Languages::IDL::AST::MooseX::_BaseTypes qw/:all/;
    sub sayHello() {
        return "\nHello world !!\n";
    sub shutdown() {

    with 'HelloApp::Hello';

package HelloAppImpl {
    use Moose;
    with 'HelloApp', 'HelloApp::HelloImpl';

package main;
use HelloAppImpl;
my $HelloAppImpl = HelloAppImpl->new();

As you can see I make explicit use of things like:
- MRO::Compat
- namespace::sweep
- MooseX::Params::Validate

to perform mro resolution, namespace cleaning and non-MooseX-Declare validation 
of return type (and of parameters when needed).

A more concrete example is the DOM Level 3 Core Specification, available at 
Its Moose generated equivalent is not pasted here, but at this location: 
https://gist.github.com/jddurand/1a1dc1f148fe6f77dd5c .

Thanks, Jean-Damien.

ps: sorry I first tried to google interface instead of the mail

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