On 27 March 2015 at 11:23, Diab Jerius <djer...@cfa.harvard.edu> wrote:

> I've translated some code using multiple inheritance to Moo, and am
> seeing some unexpected  behavior, namely that attributes inherited
> from the second parent class are not properly initialized.
> I've attached simplified versions of the pre- and post- Moo code.  The
> pre-Moo code generates this:
> $ perl tst1
> b1
> b2
> The Moo code outputs this:
> $ perl tst2
> b1
> Use of uninitialized value in say at tst2 line 30.
> In tst2, if I explicitly initialize the attribute from the second class:
>   my $q = C11->new( b2 => 'BBB' );
> It is still output as uninitialized.
> Would someone please point out what I'm missing?
> Thanks,
> Diab

Given the code works as expected when you s/Moo/Moose/, both in value
initialization, and in explicitly passing arguments to the second-inherited
module at construction time, I would agree that you have in fact found a
bug in Moo.

( Unless of course Moo has some documentation about explicitly not
supporting multiple inheritance )

*KENTNL* - https://metacpan.org/author/KENTNL

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