Hello Moose list,

Apologies if this is a dumb question, but I have repeatedly tried to understand 
this section of the documentation, and I need some help:


I want to create a class that has some attributes. However, there’s some logic 
that needs to be executed when setting values on these attributes. In some 
cases, I’ll need to throw an error like “you can’t set that value on this 
object attribute”, I also need to be able to modify the value on the way into 
the object sort of like a DECODE() statement in SQL, etc.

This seems like I’d just need to declare a writer sub for the attribute, do my 
logic in there, then set the attribute value or throw an error, right?

Why doesn't this work?

package Bogus {
        use Moose;
        has ‘value’, is => “rw”, writer => “_value”, isa => “Num”;
        sub _value {
                my ($self, $value) = @_;
                ## insert some logic here

use Bogus;
my $a = new Bogus(value => 1);

Can what I’m trying to do even be done in Moose?
again, sorry for the dumb question. I’m quite sure I’ve just missed something 
in my understanding.

thanks everyone,


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