On 25 July 2015 at 18:36, Aran Deltac <bluef...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've updated the benchmarks to use make_immutable.  There was definite
> improvements for Moose, but none of them were enough to change the
> conclusions.

Would you be able to have a seperate category for immutablizing,
especially in the "compile time" test?

Its not a big value, but given `use Moose' is not *only* loading
modules, but defining a class in the callers context, and Moo is doing
the same, having the comparison for "compile time to define a single
class" , both with and without immutability seems like relevant data.

Also, for all the other tests, side by side comparison of
non-immutable moose with immutable moose seem valuable for people to
decide if their startup overheads ( which should be marginal ) justify
the better run time ( which should be less marginal )


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