On Wed, 10 Aug 2016, Victor Porton wrote:

Moose roles have some limitations, such as inability to override a
method in a class which "with"es the role.

But I can use an abstract base class instead of a role.

Are there any real situations where roles are better than base classes?
With examples, please.

I was going to suggest augment'ing a method in a Role, which I'd been planning 
to explore as a way of declaring interfaces and standard parameter/type checks 
in Classes, while consuming Roles for the implementation, but alas:

        "Roles cannot support 'augment' at ..."

This is false. For example:

Not sure how your example applies here Karen, there is no foo() declared in 
MyClass only a foo method modifier, and MyRole's foo() doesn't appear to be 
executed from your output?

    package MyClass;
    use Moose;
    with 'MyRole';
    around foo => sub {
      'I came from the class';

say $obj->foo;​ ​# prints: I came from the class

Niall Young

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