Hi Rolf,


Its difficult to help without seeing your code. 

If you attach your page and script maybe someone will check it out and give 
some suggestions.





Från: mootools-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:mootools-users@googlegroups.com] 
Skickat: den 16 januari 2015 18:36
Till: mootools-users@googlegroups.com
Ämne: [Moo] Advice about ajax and single page paradigm


Hi all,


Firstly I am no code guru. I came from an ASP scripting background and I am 
slowly getting my head around proper OOP using c# .net and javascript, so be 


People are expecting more and more that their shiny new website backends do 
lots of things without the page refreshing, and why not.


I have one particular page where there are about 10-15 actions which result in 
an ajax call and some update on the page.


Right now I am creating lots of individual ajax calls like this (sometimes 
using delegation as elements are squirted in and out);


$('element').addEvent('click', function(event){



event.stop (prevent default whatever is needed)


create request object

feed in the url

feed in the post data

create an oncomplete function

do whatever needs doing to the page


send request




This feels inefficient and there is lots of code reuse, but when I thought 
about abstracting some of it away into a custom class my knowledge fled and I 
couldnt think up anything much more efficient.


If I made a class it would have to receive the url, a post data object, and a 
callback function to jump to after it had completed..which means I'd still be 
typing out most of what I already do.


I imagine this is not an uncommon scenario and was wondering how the wizards 
handle lots of ajax calls on the same page, all of which may have subtly 
different behaviours.






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