‎But you don't need the compat layer if there's no existing Moo code.

From: jbmoore
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 21:33
To: MooTools Users
Reply To: mootools-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: [May Be Spam] [Moo] Referenceerror: Hash is not defined

I have used Mootools off and on for years (always my favorite) and have an old Java application (developed in the late 90's) that I wanted to start updating with newer _javascript_ libraries.  Back in the late 90's one used hidden frames to fake Ajax-like functions (Ajax did not exist yet across all browers).  So I'm moving those ancient functions to Mootools.  For simplicity sake and in development I'm using the latest Core and "all" of the More library (at least that is what I think I downloaded).

But I keep getting the error "Referenceerror: Hash is not defined" in the error log in MooTools-More-1.6.0-compat.js on line 8126. 

HtmlTable.Parsers = new Hash(HtmlTable.Parsers);

Everything works though???  Just this nuance error pops up when a page loads that has the MooTools libraries.  Firefox shows that both library files are loading without error..   I see it is part of the compat code so why is this choking.. am I missing something I should have downloaded.??

Here are some environment stats if that helps..

Local Server - Apache and Tomcat
Mac OSx 10.8
Firefox 48.0.2

Any thoughts on squashing this error is appreciated..


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