perhaps 'most collected' means any and all kind of memorabilia, whether it be vintage or newer items recently made and sold for that film... for example.. there are many king kong repro posters, pics, figures, dvds, etc that are easily available to most people. same goes with "the wizard of oz."


On May 3, 2008, at 4:13 PM, Kirby McDaniel wrote:

"Most collected" certainly must be a misnomer here for there are not
enough posters available on many of these titles to merit that -- most
desired? most expensive?

Only STAR WARS fits the bill for "most collected" for only that title
has enough posters hanging around to be collected.


On May 3, 2008, at 4:40 PM, Richard Halegua Comic Art wrote:

Hi Folks (I'm turning into Alan)

King Kong
Star Wars
maltese Falcon

At 02:33 PM 5/3/2008, Alan Heimann wrote:
hi folks (wait a minute i'm morphing into rich halegua) ...morrie everett mentions in his flyer for the upcoming vintage auction at cinevent that the wizard of oz is one of the ten most collected movie titles...what are the other nine? morris or bruce or anybody else that knows please respond...i would venture some guesses...casablanca? wars?

by the way i'm planning to attend cinevent..hope to see or meet you there...Alan
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