to me, the funniest scene in any dramatic or noir movie occurs in THE POSTMAN 
ALWAYS RINGS TWICE when the actor points a gun at John Garfield, and then this 
actor speaks.? YIKES-----it is the voice of Fred Flintstone.? The actor is Alan 
Reed, who get 7th billing on the one sheet.


in the early 60s, a year or so before Anthony Perkins did PSYCHO, when he meets 
Ingrid Bergamn?in GOODBYE, AGAIN,?he tells Ingrid to be "weary" of his mother 
in the film (played by Jessie Royce Landis who was in TO CATCH A THIEF).? 
Interesting dialogue about "mom" considering what's to come in PSYCHO.

this posting was prompted after i recently saw GOODBYE, AGAIN for the first 
time.? not a great film, but i enjoyed it and would watch it, again.


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