At a Fourth of July celebration in 1985 (I believe that was the year) in  
Palos Verdes, CA, Jimmy Stewart and Frank Capra were scheduled to appear.   
At the time, I already had a Rear Window insert...and went up to Hollywood 
and  bought a You Can't Take It With You lobby card for the occasion, hoping 
to have  both Stewart and Capra sign it.  Unfortunately, Mr. Capra's wife was 
sick  and he couldn't be I ended up having Jimmy Stewart sign 
both pieces  (I still have the Rear Window insert).  What I remember most 
about Jimmy  Stewart was how incredibly tall (and old) he seemed.  I was quite 
nervous,  fumbling around with the special pen I'd brought with me, dropping 
it a couple  of times. He merely signed his name in the poster's background. 
 Hey,  I really don't care if his autograph affects to value of the insert 
one way or  the other.
The fact is...I actually met Jimmy Stewart and talked with  him for a 
minute or two.  I suppose his autograph 
is proof of what happened on that Fourth of July, but the thrill of meeting 
 him means more to me than whatever value the poster might have.  It's the  
only poster I've ever had autographed. But this was Jimmy  Stewart!  Truly 
a memorable moment....didn't cost me anything  except a bad case of nerves...
In a message dated 2/21/2012 4:28:15 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

>  imagine anything signed by Chandler would be very  desirable, (Rich 
> would know better, is that a holy  grail?).


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