Howdy -

I have some fun trade material that is not worth listing on Ebay -
I call it wallpaper!

I have:

A few hundred inserts and half sheets from the 1950's - grade z titles, but 
condition is overall excellent!
Boxes of lobby cards - 1950's-1960's - more crap titles.
Hundreds of folded 1 sheets - 1950's and 1960's and early 1970's - crap and 
some crap-plus -
(Had this material for over 40 years and there's more stuff if this works out - 
pressbooks, stills, etc.)

I'd like to trade my crap titles for your crap titles or whatever -
Looking for same period (1950's-1960's or earlier) in foreign paper, gum cards, 
old toys, toy soldiers, trains, ephemera, or whatever you have that's fun and 
would rather have posters in trade for.
(No cemetery plots, please - have tried to sell them on Ebay to no avail and 
personally plan on cremation - my ashes to be scattered at sites of old 
National Screen Service warehouses.)

Am talking even trading here - dollar for dollar - and the thrill and surprise 
of opening a box of something different..

Alan Adler
Museum of Mom and Pop Culture

(Thanks to all for making my recent round of auctions a success!
More goodies on the way!)



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