

Today marks the 28th anniversary of the first official MoPo post via the 
American University listserv.


February 24, 1995—seems like ages ago!


No surprise here: It’s time for my annual recognition of those 11 first-day 
MoPo members: Mahtab Moayeri, Michael Danese, Rob Ellis, Donna Tschetter, Goh 
Kai Shen, Evan Zweifel, George Nichol, Jeff Static (using AOL name Static555), 
Cindy Nemeth-Johannes, Adam Ehrlich, and myself. Michael, Rob and Evan are 
still here. I’ve tried to track down the other originals, but only managed to 
connect with Mahtab (who no longer actively collects but still has occasional 
flare-ups of interest in posters). Cindy sadly left us in 2008, but husband Jay 
is still subscribed.


I’m truly amazed this little group has managed to survive this long. I was 
reasonably young when this adventure started—unfortunately that’s no longer the 
case and time has had (and IS having) it’s way with me. 😊 (I vaguely remember 
having a hairline once.)


Hats off to American University for not turning off the lights on the listserv. 
Hats off to all of you for staying with the group.


Happy Birthday to us!

MoPo List Owner


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