People with long memories know that I had a rep as a DAILY sh*t-stirrer, 
chasing bad behavior (including my own), esp. when it came to dishing out harsh 
words about everything from insider-bidding to minty whites to the "alleged 
destruction" of duplicate Outlaw six-sheets and what not.  I think I joined 
this group in mid-1996 - and it was a Brooklyn born San Diego dealer named Herb 
Ross of Cinemagic who coaxed me to join given my wild-ass musings about movies 
first and posters second.  (I don't know where Herb is today, lost touch, but 
what a character; I remember he later told me that he regretted that I joined - 
because during the 90s through the early 2000s - I tended to "blow up things 
and "cause trouble" among dealers giving me the stink eye.)  I've made peace 
with 99 7/8ths of them since.   Got no choice, I don't want anyone hating or 
wanting me to go to hell now that there are fewer years ahead than behind me.)

I used to save ALL of my missives to and from MoPo - until around 2012 or so 
after I started caring for my late Dad - as I think I did a major purge, my 
muckraking years officially over.  I found a few notes I held onto, including 
the little bit of nonsense below, of which there had to be at least 4-5 
DIFFERENT VERSIONS, some more comprehensive than others.  Why I kept this and 
not the others is likely random - and the names referenced were a reflection of 
my changin impressions of each as I saw them each year.  I'm guessing this is 
at least from the mid-2000s and I likely dumped the other versions which 
included names of people who outright tangled with me in public with whom I'm 
peachy-keen now, at least from my end, maybe it's just a one-way street.

(I looked everywhere for the ones involving my fights with A. Rawls and I'm 
sure they're some place.)  I DID keep my personal exchanges with the late great 
Adrian Cowdry, who I still miss terribly.  At any rate, some might be offended 
by what's below but trust me - I've no doubt that these used to be a LOT WORSE. 
I'm actually quite pleased that the version I kept was pretty tame.  Enjoy - 
(or not)! - d.


Movie Poster Channel Lineup for this Sunday:

"CITIZEN TAYLOR" -- An American Experience documentary -- the epic, life-long 
saga about one man's passion to seize and conquer every known Best Picture 
poster, completing his quest in 2007 -- only to shake the collecting world by 
putting them all up for sale a few months later.   Narrated by David 
McCullough.  [TV-G]

"BRUCE ALMIGHTY" -- Starring Bruce Hershenson, rumored to walk on water after 
his remarkable recovery from heart surgery.  Tonight, cameras explore his vast 
following despite occasional mutterings about a "vast lunatic fringe 
conspiracy" against him.  Revisit the beginnings of his titanic decision to 
open a rebel "Millennium Falcon"-like poster sales site to combat incursions by 
eBay's Evil Empire - along with skeptics who openly predicted he would fail. 

"THE THIRD MAN REDUX" -- Host Philipp Kainbach takes viewers on a tour of 
locations seen in his favorite movie, Carol Reed's, "The Third Man" -- filmed 
in his beloved city of Vienna.  Highlight:  Phillipp will play the theme to 
"The Third Man" on a zither he purchased from a flea market near his home.  
Presented in DTS sound where available.  [TV-G]

"DR. HEIM, MEDICINE WOMAN" -- Sue Heim, a hyper-intellectual speaker with 
advanced degrees, chucks her scientific career and becomes the nation's most 
acclaimed poster framing artisan.  A constant source of remedies which "really 
work," she becomes a nemesis for competing framers after she accepts questions 
and offers her sage advice for FREE.  Jointly sponsored by the Metropolitan 
Museum of Art, Viacom-Paramount, Time-Warner-Warner Bros., Sony-Columbia and 
MCA-Universal.  [TV-G]

"RAIDERS OF THE LOST CAUSE" -- Starring "Michael B," maniacal lover of 
shredded, beat-up and discolored posters "steeped with character."  Tonight's 
episode follows his band of rebels standing on street corners, passing out 
leaflets calling for a "scorched earth" policy against poster restorers 
employed by the Museum of Modern Art in New York.  [TV-14]

"ICONIC IMAGE" -- Host David Lieberman walks audiences through a collection of 
posters -- which he anoints as titles that can go "a long time without one of 
them coming up for sale."  Tonight, he defends his signature marketing line 
about his posters, i.e., "you'll have trouble finding (posters like mine in) 
nicer condition." Also:  Actor Nicholas Cage stops by to inspect the latest in 
Dave's inventory. [TV-G]

"WE'RE NOT CHARLATANS" -- Hosted by two men wearing masks from a studio in in 
Rochester, New York.  Tonight's episode:  A "famed professor" provides an 
exhaustive defense of minty white inserts.  Also defending the professor will 
be author James Frey, who admitted his "non-fiction" bestseller, "A Million 
Little Pieces," was all made up. [TV-MA]

"WITHERING HEIGHTS" -- Concert Encore:  Inspired by Lenny Bruce, George Carlin, 
Steve Martin, Robin Williams, Mel Brooks, Woody Allen, Jerry Seinfeld, Andrew 
Dice Clay, Sam Kinison and Gilbert Gottfried -- Freeman Fisher and Bob Brooks 
observe and eviscerate the world of movie poster collecting -- in a stand-up 
comedy extravaganza taped at Carnegie Hall on Feb. 14, 2004. [TV-MA]

"WORDS & MUSIC" -- Sponsored by the George Lucas School of Film at USC, 
musician Greg Douglass hosts a 90-minute tour of the history of music in 
cinema, playing excerpts on stage at the Hollywood Bowl.  Taped December 1, 
2005.  (NOTE:  Course credit available for 500-level graduate students; please 
contact the dean's office.)

"THE BIG-EASY, 2008" -- "Part 2 - The Return."  Host Dick Cavitt interviews 
Joseph Bonelli in this 3-part series exploring the poster collector Bonelli's 
miraculous escape from Hurricane Katrina -- and his poignant return to the city 
where jazz was born.  [TV-G]

"JEKYLL & HYDE, JURIS DOCTORATE" -- Starring Claude Litton, terse and 
tough-minded lawyer who speaks brutal truths in short bursts by day -- but 
transforms into elegant and gracious tea-serving host for poster collectors by 
night.  Tonight's special:  Earl Grey Tea.  [TV-14]

"RECOMMENDED!" -- Host Kirby McDaniel offers a list of films to see, offering 
only a single explanatory sentence for each. [TV-G]

"PICARESQUE" -- Starring Tom Martin as himself in this critically acclaimed 
series where he regales audiences with exhilarating and amusing stories and 
observations about every realm of the human condition.  Shot on location at the 
Pantages Theater in Los Angeles.  [TV-14]

"LOST IN TRANSLATION" -- Starring David Kusumoto, émigré from Japan, whose 
book-length writings in English are puzzlingly transformed to Greek, hence 
reaching an audience of only one.  Tonight's episode, "Torturing MoPo'ers:  the 
Quickening." [TV-14]

"HOLLYWOOD BABYLON" -- Actress Toochis Moorin takes viewers on a tour of 
historic landmarks in the entertainment world -- and discusses her starring 
role in director Ridley Scott's next feature film.  [TV-G]

"AMBULANCE CHASER, MEXICO CITY" -- Starring Rod Morgan, controversial exporter 
of Mexican memorabilia -- whose mission is to move material within 24-hours 
after the death of any celebrity.  Tonight's episode:  After scanning the day's 
obituaries for "leads," he stomps on the grave of Charlton Heston and proclaims 
his hatred of guns.  Yet curiously, he secretly carries a .357 Magnum "just in 
case." [TV-MA]

"AMAZING COLOSSAL MAN, THE MUSICAL" -- Updated remake of the 1950s sci-fi 
classic with songs!  Directed by "Evan," featuring musical performances by 
famed Peruvian singer, Yma Sumac.  [TV-14]

"WTF?" -- Host James Lipton interviews Scott Burns, owner of the Movie Poster 
Discussion Group, about the history of literary sectarian violence, 1995 to 
present.  Featured:  a discussion of beloved and notorious figures who have 
dominated his pages, with highlights and low-lights noted accordingly.  [TV-MA]

From: MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of Susan Heim 
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2023 6:48 PM
Subject: Re: Celebrate! MoPo is 28 Years Old!

Hi Scott,
   I agree with Nathalie.....the group has been a welcomed addition to my life 
and I've met some wonderful people here.  Thank you.

Hollywood Poster Frames
(800) 463-2994
From: MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of S & N Yafet 
Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2023 2:07 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Celebrate! MoPo is 28 Years Old!

Thank you, Scott and congratulations on the longevity of this group you 
founded.  Many times someone here has answered my often ignorant questions 
privately.  Delicate considerations seldom found in other groups.  It's a 
privilege and a joy to be among your number.
Thank you again, Scott.
Nathalie Yafet

From: MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of Christopher Quarles 
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2023 5:51 PM
Subject: Re: Celebrate! MoPo is 28 Years Old!

I saved some emails from the MoPo Listserve in a folder. The earliest one I 
could find saved was in January 2002 when people were telling us what was on 
their walls. There was a Eugene Hughes linenbacking email as well.
I know I have searched the MoPo archives in the past. Is that still possible?

Chris Quarles

On Fri, Feb 24, 2023 at 8:46 PM Christopher Quarles <> 
Thank you Scott and American University!

Chris Quarles

On Fri, Feb 24, 2023 at 8:23 PM Michael B. 
<> wrote:

MOPO has been an awesome, helpful tool to learn about posters and 
collecting----especially at its infancy when participation was at its peak.

thank you..............


-----Original Message-----
From: allen day <>
Sent: Fri, Feb 24, 2023 8:12 pm
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Celebrate! MoPo is 28 Years Old!

All the best

Hip Hip ...


From: MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of Scott Burns 
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2023 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: Celebrate! MoPo is 28 Years Old!

Ah, the notorious Minty Whites. This from the MoPo Archive, posted in 2007:

[MOPO] also tired of minty whites discussion?

Level 909 Mon, 18 Jun 2007 12:09:34 -0700

I have seen so much messages on the Minty Whites in the past few days that i 
have had enough of the "Minty" opinions and mudslings. My inbox is getting 
filled with the same discussions that have been going on for ages. Maybe it 
would be a good idea to only post on these "Minty Whites" unless some REAL new 
information on these posters comes up.

just wondered if anyone feels the same.

The good old days at MoPo…when mudslinging was the norm and the “Lunatic 
Fringe” often would run amuck.


MoPo List Owner

From: Moviemem Original Movie Posters <>
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2023 4:45 PM
Subject: RE: [MOPO] Celebrate! MoPo is 28 Years Old!

Congratulations Scott

From memory, I initially joined about 20 years ago and I particularly remember 
a spirited discussion about minty whites. Many thanks for keeping it all going 
after such a long time.



From: MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of Scott Burns 
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2023 11:22 AM
Subject: Celebrate! MoPo is 28 Years Old!


Today marks the 28th anniversary of the first official MoPo post via the 
American University listserv.

February 24, 1995—seems like ages ago!

No surprise here: It’s time for my annual recognition of those 11 first-day 
MoPo members: Mahtab Moayeri, Michael Danese, Rob Ellis, Donna Tschetter, Goh 
Kai Shen, Evan Zweifel, George Nichol, Jeff Static (using AOL name Static555), 
Cindy Nemeth-Johannes, Adam Ehrlich, and myself. Michael, Rob and Evan are 
still here. I’ve tried to track down the other originals, but only managed to 
connect with Mahtab (who no longer actively collects but still has occasional 
flare-ups of interest in posters). Cindy sadly left us in 2008, but husband Jay 
is still subscribed.

I’m truly amazed this little group has managed to survive this long. I was 
reasonably young when this adventure started—unfortunately that’s no longer the 
case and time has had (and IS having) it’s way with me. 😊 (I vaguely remember 
having a hairline once.)

Hats off to American University for not turning off the lights on the listserv. 
Hats off to all of you for staying with the group.

Happy Birthday to us!

MoPo List Owner

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