Andre asked:

(1) What is the essential difference between the MoQ and SOM thinking?

Despite what Bo says, one can find many different ways to reject SOM within the 
mainstream academic world of philosophy. If you go to the Stanford encyclopedia 
of philosophy, for example, and enter the term "truth" into their search engine 
you'll get a sense of the current debates. ( The article at 
the top is titled simply "truth". That'll be good for a broad overview. Or, if 
you want to take a closer look at SOM itself just scroll further down the first 
page and you'll find an article titled "the correspondence theory of truth". 
That's SOM, where truth is a matter of correspondence between objective reality 
and the subjective understanding. The fact is, Western philosophers have been 
rejecting SOM for well over a hundred years. Hegel, who I hate with a white-hot 
passion and find pretty much unreadable, was doing this 200 years ago. My 
favorites are James and Dewey and they reject SOM and its very clear that 
they're doing so because they explicitly use the terms "subjects" and 
"objects". Also, I just read Nietzsche's "On the Genealogy of Morals" (1887). 
The third section, "what is the meaning of ascetic ideals" is fun to read 
because he's kind of an angry poet and he makes a great case for 
perspectivalism, a case for the aesthetic over the ascetic, which is pretty 
damn MOQish.

(2) how can we recognise in our own and other's arguments/ positions the SOM 
thinking elements? Is there an "easy" way/ trick to this? How can we help 
ourselves and others move towards MoQ 'reasoning'?

I don't think there are any easy tricks. But it's not very difficult either. It 
just means we have to do some reading and thinking. One could try Rosenthal's 
anthology. It's called "Classical American Pragmatism" and consists of 
contemporary commentators or John Stuhr's anthology is good if you want to read 
the key texts of Dewey and James directly.

There is no shortage of material on this stuff. These recommendations are just 
the most handy. These book have been among the assigned texts in my grad school 
experience so far and so these book are all sitting a few inches from my elbow.

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