I received a helpful reply from Murat Maga that I wanted to share here for 
anyone having the same issue (I haven't tried yet, but looks promising!)

I am not sure how IDAV does it, but you can use R/Morpho to achieve an 
> average in a manner like this: You need to read your all your landmarks, do 
> a Procrustes fit without scaling, then provide a sample as reference. This 
> sample is typically the sample that is closest the Procrustes mean .  
> gpa=procSym(LM, scale = FALSE, CSinit = FALSE)
> #LM is the array of all your landmarks 
> sample.mean = tps3d (refmat = reference.lm, tarmat = gpa$mshape, x =  
> reference.mesh)
> #reference.mesh is the ply file of the sample closest to the Procrustes 
> mean
> #reference.lm is landmark set associated with the mesh above. 
> Then you can write your sample mean with command
> Rvcg::vcgPlyWrite(mesh = sample.mean, filename = …)

On Monday, November 12, 2018 at 4:00:17 PM UTC-5, Grace Capshaw wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am currently using Landmark IDAV to place landmarks onto .ply mesh 
> files, but when I try to compute a species average from several meshes the 
> software crashes. This happens even when I reduce the number of mesh files 
> to be averaged, and when I use the "Low Resolution" output option. Has 
> anyone run into this issue (and ideally, figured out how to fix it)? If 
> not, can anyone recommend a (free) software or R package that can compute a 
> species average from a set of landmarks?
> Thanks very much for your help!
> Best,
> Grace

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