All messages that members get from Mosaic have "mosaic-bounces+etc..." in
the message header. 

The "mosaic-bounces+etc..." is little "prefix" that helps the server track
messages and has nothing to do with any of your messages bouncing...unless a
message *sent* to you gets bounced back to the Mosaic server.

This is called "variable envelope return path" or VERP. If you want more
info (geek speak) on why we use VERP please see:

Just a reminder to everyone to *trim* message. We're experiencing a lot of
messages that include way too much quoted text from previous posts. Trimming
messages is really appreciated by our members that are on digest as it keeps
their daily digest message from being long streams of repeated/quoted
material over and over again.


Keith Mack
Web Administrator 

-----Original Message-----
PS I am curious about the line on sender - from mosaic-bounces.  I just got
two messages bounced back to me.  Not entirely clear why this is happening.
Were these messages bounceed somehow???

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