Dear Mosaic-ers,
> My name is Felicity Buxton. I teach third grade in Oakland, CA. Our school 
> district is very into academic discussions across content areas.  Here is my 
> review of Intentional Talk.  It's for K-5 classrooms. The classroom examples 
> were mostly from the third and fourth grade. I could see the discussion 
> structures being modified for higher grades. 
> Intentional Talk, Elham Kazemi and Allison Hintz, Stenhouse, 2014
>             I enjoyed reading through Intentional Talk.  Overall, I liked its 
> organization, tone, and general assumption that we teachers know what we are 
> doing!  I appreciated its descriptions of classroom teachers' instruction, 
> planning, and thought processes.  It was helpful to see other teachers' 
> thinking and instructional decision-making.  
>             As I read it over the summer, I tried to think about how I would 
> use it in the classroom during the year.  This is where I found the book's 
> organization helpful.  In the first and last chapters, the ideas described in 
> the book are introduced, explained in depth, and justified. There are six  
> "discussion structures."  Each has its own chapter. The first is the Open 
> Strategy Discussion structure.  Targeted Discussion structures follow: 
> Compare and Connect, Why? Let's Justify, What's Best and Why?, Define and 
> Clarify, and Troubleshoot and Revise.  Each chapter begins with a description 
> of the structure, what students will be asked to do, what the achievable goal 
> is, and when the structure is helpful to use.  Some of these descriptions 
> were quick and to the point, and others were long.  Of course, the quick 
> descriptions will be easier to read and understand when needed.  At the end 
> of each of these chapters were questions for reflection.  This will be a nice 
> reminder as it'
 s often difficult to remember to reflect.  It's always go-go-go!!!
>             Included throughout the book were classroom vignettes, pictures 
> of students and teachers, drawings, and charts.  These were helpful in 
> understanding how I could use exit tickets, math journals, visualization 
> strategies, modeling, etc., during discussions.  The appendices A-F were 
> templates that were nice to look at, but I am not sure how helpful they'd be 
> working day to day.  They might be more helpful as a tool for reflection and 
> further planning.  The other appendices included routines and resources, 
> including online clips. On page 132, more specific guidance is given in 
> planning a unit's open and targeted discussions.  It's only about a page long 
> and very helpful.
>             I look forward to using this book throughout the year.  It 
> provides a process to plan and modify instruction.  It gives me a model to 
> strive for!  
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