The sentence-align-corpus.perl script which ships with the source release of
version 3 of the europarl corpus does not give any usage message when run
without arguments.

The usage information is in the README but it would be more user friendly to
have some kind of usage message output by the script on incorrect usage.

When a user calls the script correctly with both the L1 and L2 command line
arguments the script still doesn't run successfully because the $dir variable
is set to a non existant default and it is up to the user to open the script in
a text editor, read the code enough to understand what's going wrong and to
finally have to edit the script by hand to a suitable directory.

This process could be drastically improved by altering the line 'my ($L1, $L2) =
@ARGV;' to 'my ($dir, $L1, $L2) = @ARGV;' and implementing a usage message in
the code.

Hope this suggestion is found to be useful.
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