Hi Mehmet,
The following lattice will do what you are asking for, I think:
The trick is ot use the last element of the tuples to indicate what
node the edge ends up in. The first two nodes, have single edges
leaving, but the edges don't lead to a common node until all of 'xyz'
is covered.

On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 9:33 AM, Mehmet Tatlıcıoğlu
<tatlicio...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was working on word-lattice decoding functionality of Moses decoder. In
> order to do that, I need to put the morphologically analysed input text into
> form of PLF, mentioned on http://www.statmt.org/moses/?n=Moses.WordLattices.
> In PLF, each edge includes the information of the produced string during the
> edge, edge probability, and edge distance relative to the prior node
> respectively. To illustrate, an edge is represented as a triple such as
> ('xyz', '0.5', 2). Let me state my question now. How can I write a PLF
> syntax that represents the following input case:
> The surface form: xyz
> There are two different parses of xyz:
> * xy * z *
> * x * yz *
> I want to build a word lattice which produces only xyz with the edges x, xy,
> yz which literally exist in the language.
> Make sure that there is not word "y" in the language, so there shouldn't be
> such an edge as well.
> In such case, I cannot build a PLF sentence representing this input. I have
> to either make up an edge, "y" to split * x * yz * as * x * y * z *, or join
> these nodes which will overgenerate the string xyyz.
> If I didn't have to set a relative distance value for the edges, and define
> a "resulting string" instead of the distance to the next node, I would be
> able to overcome this problem. However, now I am not sure how to put the
> case above into PLF.
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> Mehmet Tatlıcıoğlu
> Cell Phone: +90 532 201 85 64
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