Dear all,

I want to train a morphological analysis and generation model for moses,
based on which the further translation is from English to German.

And I have prepared my training data like this:

 % tail -n 1 factored-corpus/proj-syndicate.??

 ==> factored-corpus/proj-syndicate.en <==

 corruption|corruption|nn flourishes|flourish|nns .|.|.


 ==> factored-corpus/ <==

 korruption|korruption|nn| floriert|florieren|vvfin|vvfin


Each word is not only represented by its surface form , but also with
additional factors.

And both the English factors and that of German are surface form,lemma,part
of speech and morphy.


And now I want to know the best way to design the mapping steps for training
the factored translation model? Can you help me?


BTW, I have designed a total of four mapping steps such as below(for your

% train-model.perl \

    --corpus factored-corpus/…… \

    --root-dir morphgen \

    --f de --e en \

    --lm 0:3:factored-corpus/surface.lm:0 \

    --lm 2:3:factored-corpus/pos.lm:0 \

    --translation-factors 1-1+2-2,3 \

    --generation-factors 1-2+1,2,3-0 \

    --decoding-steps t0,g0,t1,g1 \

The above way for designation followed the Turorial for Using Factored
Models on the website:


Your kind suggestions will be greatly appreciated!


Best Regards 


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