I am working on a more compact phrase table representation. I should be 
done with it in about one or two months. It is around five times smaller 
than the currently used binary phrase table implementation, so it has 
much better performance on systems with low RAM. It is already working 
quite nicely, but I still need to optimize code and usability. So there 
is hope. :)

On 03.03.2012 05:00, Kenneth Heafield wrote:
> Linux is going to use all free memory for the disk cache.  This will
> force the entire file to be read, leaving a good chance that it will be
> in the disk cache.  Moreover, this read is mostly-sequential (at least
> up to file system fragmentation) and faster than reading the file with
> lots of random accesses which is what lazy mmap will do.
> Kenneth
> On 03/02/2012 10:14 PM, Tom Hoar wrote:
>>    KEN: what does "cat binaryfile>/dev/null" do exactly? In the process
>>    of reading the file from disk, does the OS cache all/part of the file to
>>    RAM?
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