13 May, morning
Schaar's Bluff, Spring Lake PR, Hastings

Persistent south winds combined with low pressure produced:

Warblers: 21 species

Most species in abundance: e.g. Chestnut-sided, Am. Redstarts, Yellows - 125+ 
each, Northern Parula - 20, Blackburnian - 20, Wilson's, - 30. At times there 
were 15 or more Chestnut-sides in view at once. 

Empids everywhere plus FOY Olive-sided. 
Many vireos including Philadelphia.
Six woodpeckers including Red-headed.
Tanagers, Indigo Buntings, grosbeaks

One of the best local single site fallouts I've witnessed in years.

James Mattsson
mattjim at earthlink.net
EarthLink Revolves Around You.
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