Waves of warblers coming by my home office window along with a  
plethora of regulars but in large numbers.  At one time I had 4 plain  
Baltimore Orioles and two very brightly colored males, adult and young  
robins, dirty looking Red-winged Blackbirds (male and female), three  
Blue Jays, at least four different warbler species that I have tried  
to take photos of but have not had time to look at yet as the waves  
just keep coming, two Redstarts, chickadees and a constant rushing in  
of grackles who flee at my clapping.  Whew!  Exciting but actually  
exhausting as I try to get work done too.  Just now a White Breasted  
Nuthatch is in with a Red-Bellied Woodpecker and a Hairy Woodpecker -  
now they are gone and in come two Downies.  OK, the orioles are back,  
three at the hummingbird feeder and two on the jelly.  Here come two  
young robins and what could be a Nashville.  OK, another warbler in  
with bright white apparently single wingbars (maybe a faint second  
above) on a dark back and wings with a hint of yellow above a white  
breast and a plain head.  Now the grackles come again.  Wait til I  
clap them away.  Jays, robins, and orioles all at the water feature  
bathing and drinking now.  Trying to write, photo with a not-SLR  
digital, and type is getting to be fun.  I will see if any of the  
warble pics come out.  I think there was a Yellow-throated Green just  
now.  Hard to tell with all the action and motion.  Wow!  Gotta go and  
download the pics before more warblers come.

Thomas Maiello
Angel Environmental Management, Inc.
Maple Grove, MN

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