All I'm going to say is this. If the day ever comes, and it probably won't, 
when birders get as excited over healthy native bird communities and their 
associated habitats as they do chasing vagrant birds hundreds or thousands of 
miles out of their normal geographic range, bird conservation might actually 
get somewhere without hunters having to do the better part of it. I have a 
laughing fit every time I read these listing rule arguments/debates and remind 
myself that I am a bird conservationist more so than a "birder". Just sharing a 
different perspective, for what its worth, and by all means, I don't mean to 
rain on anyone's parade. Who knows, if this weather keeps up, maybe that 
Vermillion Flycatcher will arrive from the Rio Grande valley and show up here 
in sw Minnesota. The B&B's and greasy spoons sure could use the business that 
would be certain to follow.
Eric Harrold
Jackson Co.

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