mou-net is a place where birders can share their sightings -- notable or 
otherwise -- with other interested people. We particularly invite posts of 
observations that contribute to the understanding of the birds in the state. 
This includes sightings of birds that are unusual, in an unusual location or 
out of season, or present in significantly higher numbers than normally 

There have been many posts lately with a subject line of "Golden Eagle".  A 
Golden Eagle is a rare regular species in Minnesota, so any post with this in 
the subject line goes to mou-rba, a net that people can subscribe to that has 
only rarities.  

A comment about a cell phone in the boundary waters area has nothing to do with 
the sighting of a Golden Eagle.  It does not belong on mou-rba.  Since it does 
not meet the above conditions for posting, it also does not belong on mou-net.

Terry Brashear requested that comments about "Golden Eagles harmed by wind 
turbines" be stopped.  Most people have stopped posting.  I request that 
everyone stop posting about this subject.  mou-net is valuable only if the 
conversations are kept on the subject of bird sightings.


MOU Electronics Committee Chairman,
David Cahlander Burnsville, MN 952-894-5910

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