The Long-Tailed Duck and a winter plumaged Common Loon were present at Lake
Calhoun this afternoon at about 1:30pm. The duck and loon were both moving
along the southern shore of the lake with the duck staying more to the south
to southwest side of the lake and the loon was moving from the southwest to
the southeast portion of the lake.  They both were about 100 to 200 yards
off shore most of the time with the loon occasionally getting as close as
about 25 yards. Binoculars were sufficient to ID the birds but a scope
provided much better views.
The Long-Tailed Duck was a lifer for me. I had never encountered a winter
plumaged loon before so it took me a while to determine just exactly what I
was looking at.
Lots of Canada Geese and Gulls were also present but due to a lack of time I
didn't spend any time looking for anything unusual among them.
Byron Blood

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