I'll check on Sat for sure and possibly tomorrow if I go that way.


On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 11:29 PM, Dan Jackson <danjack...@lbwhite.com> wrote:

> Today, while scouting for the bus trip that I will help to lead on Sunday
> for the Houston Nature Center Festival of Owls (Houston, MN), I found a
> juvenile male Snowy Owl on the north side of County Road 3 a few miles west
> of Brownsville, MN.  When I first spotted it, it was on the bank of a stock
> pond.  After I stopped, the bird got nervous and moved a little farther
> away.  It was at that point, that I realized that it had something fairly
> large in its talons.  The prey item turned out to be a Muskrat.  It was
> large enough that the bird couldn't fly very well and it only moved about
> 30 yards from the road.
> The bird was located along County Road 3 about a mile west of the
> intersection of County Rd 24 and east of the intersection with Cork Hollow
> Drive.  I talked to a passing motorist who lives right there and she
> indicated that her father-in-law had seen a Snowy in that area earlier this
> winter.  Hopefully, that means that this bird will stick around at least
> until the field trip on Sunday.
> If anyone sees this owl in the next couple of days, please keep me posted
> with its location.  It would be nice to share this bird with field trip
> attendees.
> Good birding,
> Dan Jackson
> Chaseburg, WI (Near La Crosse)
> www.pbase.com/dejackson
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Happy Birding! --Chris W, Madison, WI
Interpretive Naturalist
Mississippi Explorer Cruises




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