I got out birding both Saturday (with the Hastings Bird Festival) and today
(Sunday).  I say a lot of the good birds reported on Saturday and shall not
duplicate those reports.  Plus, I had good birds around the yard.

On Saturday I had a wonderful group of high school kids, who were far more
interested in each other than the birds.  I am sure the highlight for them
was the Hermit Thrush I pulled in to about twenty feet by playing its
song.  Highlights for me included FOY's (first of year's): Osprey, Virginia
Rail, W. Phalaropes, Swainson's Thrush, Chipping Sparrow, and Field
Sparrow.  I also saw a Red-tail on a nest at Highways 61 & 10, north of
Hastings and a Great Horned Owl with two young in the trees overlooking and
west of 180th St. wetlands.  This is a good nest to check out as you are
far enough away  from the nest to not disturb the family.

Today I visited a few birding spots in the late afternoon in the rain.  I
found a large flock of gulls that include two each of Bonaparts and
Franklins.  The Franklins had a beautiful pink chest.  At Scotia and Hwy 56
south of Randolph I found one Greater Yellowlegs and one Marbled Godwit and
no ducks.  At Randolph Industrial Park I found a flock of 800+ Northern
 Shovelers.  At 140th Street Marsh (just east of Hwy 52), I found
a Canvasback, the first of the weekend, but no Ibis.

At home today we continued to host Fox and Swamp sparrows, numerous Juncos,
a Hermit Thrush and two pairs of Purple Finches.  I checked out my four
wood duck house.  One had nine eggs, almost all Wood Duck eggs. The other
three were empty.  One I had to make some repairs to make it habitable.
Steve Weston
On Quigley Lake in Eagan, MN

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