Non-shorebird migrants are beginning to meander their way into Carver County.   
Through yesterday, I had actually seen more obvious(excluding what are very 
likely migrating Redstart and Yellow Warbler that I have been seeing) migrating 
warbler in July vs. the first two weeks of August.  I saw 5 migrating warbler 
in July: Tennessee (2), Nashville, Black-and-white, and Northern Waterthrush.   
The first two weeks of August I only found a lone Black-and-white Warbler and a 
lone Northern Waterthrush.   Other obvious non-shorebird migrants seen this 
month through yesterday included a couple Olive-sided Flycatcher and a 
Swainson's Thrush.  This morning at Carver Park Reserve I found Alder 
Flycatcher, Black-and-white, Tennessee, and Blackburnian Warbler.   As for 
shorebirds, most are aware of the available habitat in the county.  I have made 
many visits out to western Carver County beginning in July, but suitable 
habitat was lacking in July so most of my best luck with shorebirds began on 
August 1.    I ended up having my most productive shorebirding yesterday 
morning beginning a bit after sunrise, as the overnight rains had raised water 
levels at New Germany and shorebirds had been forced closer to the edges of the 
wetland off of both Yale and Yancy Ave.   I found 11 shorebird species 
including Stilt Sandpiper, Short-billed Dowitcher, Wilson's, and Red-necked 
Phalarope.    There were even a few shorebirds in the Tacoma Ave. area as the 
overnight rains had yielded the most suitable habitat in that area than has 
been available since I've been checking in July.   Keep in mind, for those 
thinking of last year, that the Tacoma Ave. area received over 15 inches of 
rain during the months of July and August 2016, and that is why the habitat 
remained for such an extended period of time.   This July and so far this 
August that area has probably received less than half of that.

John Cyrus

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