(Posted by Carol Cummins <carolcummin...@gmail.com> via moumn.org)

While tending bluebird houses this year, I came across some unusual behavior. A 
Chickadee nested and laid 4 eggs in one of the boxes. The following week, a 
Tree Swallow flew out of the same house. There were now 7 eggs in the nest 
including 3 swallow eggs. The swallow had also added the usual feathers typical 
of their nests. For the next few weeks the Tree Swallow was incubating the 
but would not leave the box during my visits. I have no idea if the swallow 
incubated all 7 and whether they all fledged. I have tended a group of 16 
bluebird house for about 5 years and have never observed this behavior. How 
common is this? When two birds simultaneously use a nest, does one species 
prevail? Or are eggs and/or fledglings rejected? Any other insights?


Carol Cummins, volunteer

Minnesota Bluebird Recovery Program

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