Vivek wrote:

I have a PKCS11 (v 2.1) library ,.. Using this library via Mozilla I am
trying to import a certificate on to the smart card. The process fails
because this library does not support generation of RSA public keys on
the token..

On looking at the failure point I see that much before the call to
there is a check on the PublicKey Template to determine whether it is a
Token object or not.
If it is, then the check reports an error: "Can't generate RSA public
keys on the token!"
A quick and dirty way to get around this is to turn off CKM_RSA_PKCS_KEY_PAIR_GEN and CKM_RSA_X9_31_KEY_PAIR_GEN. You'll find them in the C_GetMechanismList of your PKCS #11 library. If you support C_CreateObject for token objects, then you are 'home free' as far as Mozilla goes. Mozilla will generate the keys itself and store them into your token (promptly forgetting them).
I am a rookie with PKCS stuff, can someone please explain to me how to
go about modifying the library to achieve the same functionality.

Will just generation of the Key-pair using slbXsiPkiGenerateKeyPair()
in the specified container be enough? (Via the CSP module I see the
same procedure taking place)
You are deep into the internals of our PKCS #11 module, without any indication about what your PKCS #11 module is doing. Containers are CSP data structures, so it's not clear what they map to at the lower levels of your PKCS #11 module. Basically what happens below that will be dependent on your token and the library used to access it.


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