nospam@nospam wrote:
> two queries:


Sorry, I can only help you with this one:

> also, when I visit pages hosted by tripod, geocities,etc,
> little rectangular windows pop
> up with adverts in them. Is there any way to disable these
> pop up windows?

Is there ever!  And it works with any browser.  One word: Proxomitron. 
Go here:

It blocks nearly all ads, nearly all popup crap (ESPECIALLY Tripod @
Geocities), sits in your system tray, and can be bypassed if necessary
(which is rare) with a right-click.  You will not believe how well it
works.  And it doesn't involve dinking around with Javascript or XUL or
whatever these other guys are telling you to do.

Just make sure you:

1.  Install the released version.
2.  Install the latest beta over top of it.

> cheers.
> gavin.

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