Blake Ross wrote:
> > Yeah, pretty much:  "You work on the stuff we don't want to, we'll take
> > it and bundle it with a bunch of stuff that's proprietary, and you get
> > nada.  So long, sucker!"
> Dude, you don't know what you're talking about.

I know all too well of what I speak.

>  Netscape is the largest
> contributor to Mozilla.  "You work on the stuff we don't want to"
> doesn't make sense.

No it doesn't, that's why it didn't really work out as Netscape had
planned, and why they're ending up having to do most of the work
> >
> > > I have never had any desire to use AIM, Netscape webmail, or AOL mail.
> >
> > What about other web-based mail systems?  It'd sure be nice to be able
> > to hook up to Hotmail or Yahoo mail or Google mail or whatever-mail with
> > Mozilla, wouldn't it?  Well, I mean if the mail portion actually was in
> > working order.  What do you think the chances are of such functionality
> > being added to Maozilla, Mr. Ballard?
> Uh, I don't know, where's the bug you filed about it?  I'd say pretty
> low, though,


> we generally try to keep Mozilla non-commercialized where
> possible.

Heheheyeah.  What's commercial about hooking up to a web email service
any moreso than to a POP3 one?
> > Do you really think AOL is going
> > to give their official Politburo stamp of approval on such
> > anti-AOL's-bottom-line functionality?
> It really doesn't matter, it'd be up to

And who's running


> > Yep.  Because it ain't 100% "Open".  It's
> > whatever-AOL-decides-to-let-the-suckers-work-on-% "Open".
> That's not true at all; you're making broad statements without providing
> any support.  Contributors to Mozilla can work on whatever they want.

Perhaps an AIM-compatible IM client?  Yeah, didn't think so.

>  I
> know because I was one for a year and a half (and still am, just from
> Netscape now).

One of the Body.
> --Blake

"Mine is the Kingdom of Heaven, where knowledge is King and lady luck is

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