J. Greenlees wrote:
why not add the ability to permantently reject a certificate?

such as a cert from an advertising comany?
( for some reason I get a cert error for a cert from www.ad-space.net )

Why would an advertising company use a cert?

the cert itself is fine, the issuing authority is one I'm familiar with.
but it's a great opportunity to stop adds by not accepting it.
so every time I access that site, twice a page the error message pops up about the cert.
I would love to be able to reject the cert permanently.

I agree this would be a useful feature.  I'm not sure
of firefox currently has any cert caching?  But any
ability for a user to mark her special certs any way
she can would help a lot;  a lot like cookies.

Most people would not be expected to have any more than
say 10 or so special certs.  I have only about 3-4.

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