Ganesh wrote:
I am required to do some work on IBM Web Browser on OS/2 installer (Mozilla based browser). As we can not dynamically link to the runtime dll (innotek GCC), because of licencing issues. I need to change the installer code such that it copies the arbitrary files (in this case runtime dlls) to the appropriate path. I mean when the installer finished with installing xpi files it needs to look for the runtime dll and copy it to the location of mozilla.exe.
Can someone help me where should I look to do this change(mozilla\xpinstall\???).

Do you work for IBM? Have you talked to Mark Kaply? (or more precisely, why haven't you talked to Mark Kaply?). The installer binary installs XPI files; if you want to install additional DLLs, make them into an XPI with an install.js script and add them to the installer list of XPIs to install (see and which are processed by the installer build system into config.ini and install.ini).

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