Hello, everyone,
I just started to experience with Mozilla. I followed the example in the online doc "Creating XPCOM Components" at http://www.mozilla.org/projects/xpcom/book/cxc/html/index.html. I overcame a series of minor problems and finally at the stage of installing the little weblock component and I am stuck. I've got the package ready. I used the sample install.js with some modifications. But the performInstall returns -239 which is CHROME_REGISTRY_ERROR.
Can you guys tell what this is about?
By the way, I formally had a problem using regxpcom. I had to type
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. at command line before regxpcom.
I'm working on Redhat9.

The install.js is attached.



Attachment: install.js
Description: JavaScript source

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