
I noticed some extensions for Mozilla v1.7.x requires me to manually remove the old installed extensions before overinstalling/upgrading due to "chrome" errors and others. Why does Firefox doesn't require this? I have seen this in all platforms (Windows 2000 and XP, MacOS X 10.2.8, and Linux/Debian).

Thank you in advance. :)
"..., you ready for a little dumpster diving?" "Um... okay." "You know I don't mind getting my hands dirty." "I mean, maggots, wet trash, I am the first one in." "Okay, so what are you waiting for?" "Ants." (Chuckles) "Ants?" "Yes, I have got a problem with ants." "They are sneaky, and they are mobile, and when they get on you, even if you get them off..." "Okay, Calleigh, chill." --CSI: Miami (Wannabe episode; #218)
  / /\ /\ \    Phillip (Ant) @ http://antfarm.ma.cx (Personal Web Site)
 | |o   o| |        Ant's Quality Foraged Links (AQFL): http://aqfl.net
    \ _ /       Remove ANT from e-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Ant is currently not listening to any songs on his home computer.
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