On Fri, 7 Jan 2000, Robert Hegemann wrote:

> David wrote:
> > Hello All,
> > Has anyone else had the problem of a small pop at the beginning
> > of playing an encoded file?  I am just curious if it is a known problem.
> > -David Swigger
> Hi David,
> first of all we need to know what you did. 
> Did you use an old version of Lame? 
> What are your Lame settings?
> What kind of player do you use? (maybe winamp, what version?)
> Is this small pop in the original wave? (could be the ripper)

  Hey, I have this problem too.  My *impression* is that the pop is
from lame, 3.57 or 3.58 currently, I grab with leech under OS/2, and
have encoded hundreds of songs, using tompg/2 and l3enc.  Never had
the pop before, but another variable is a newer, faster, less reliable,
CDROM drive.  I will try a few CDs tonight, to verify lame is, or is
not, the source of the pop.  I have used -b 128, and recently started
using -v -b160.  My prefered player is warpamp (b4?), but we have
winamp in the house, too.  Thanks for any insight...

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