Ok I compiled lame 3.61 with DJGPP and I also compiled it with MSVC++ 5 SP3. I encoded the exact same file with the same options but I used GNU diff and it said the the files differed. Is this because the DOS version input is handled by libsndfile and the Win32 version is not? Both resulting mp3s were 5,004,520 so I am really baffled as to why they would differ. I was also amazed to see that the Win32 version is actually a little bit faster the linux version I compiled as well.
Any insights?
Win32 Ver.
C:\audiograbber>lame -h -k -b 192 6.wav
LAME version 3.61 (www.sulaco.org/mp3)
GPSYCHO: GPL psycho-acoustic model version 0.75.
Encoding 6.wav to 6.wav.mp3
Encoding as 44.1 kHz 192 kbps stereo MPEG1 LayerIII file  ( 7.3x)
    Frame          |  CPU/estimated  |  time/estimated | play/CPU |   ETA
  7982/  7982(100%)| 0:03:59/ 0:03:59| 0:03:59/ 0:03:59|    0.8735| 0:00:00
DOS Ver.
C:\audiograbber>doslame -h -k -b 192 6.wav 6.mp3
LAME version 3.61 (www.sulaco.org/mp3)
GPSYCHO: GPL psycho-acoustic model version 0.75.
Input handled by libsndfile (www.zip.com.au/~erikd/libsndfile)
Encoding 6.wav to 6.mp3
Encoding as 44.1 kHz 192 kbps stereo MPEG1 LayerIII file  ( 7.3x)
    Frame          |  CPU/estimated  |  time/estimated | play/CPU |   ETA
  7982/  7982(100%)| 0:04:21/ 0:04:21| 0:04:21/ 0:04:21|    0.8016| 0:00:00

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