Mathew Hendry a écrit :
> > From: Shawn Riley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >
> > 6- What's the difference between normal stereo & dual channel
> In terms of bitstream format, nothing, apart from the frame header. Dual
> channel is simply a hint to the decoder that the two channels are intended
> to be played separately, rather than together as a stereo track.
> > normal stereo allowing a more "free" allocation of bandwidth between the
> channels?
> AFAIK it doesn't. I'm not sure where that idea originated.
> -- Mat.
> --
> MP3 ENCODER mailing list ( )

Dual channel was made for using in dual channel transmissions or other
things like this.
In dual channel, each channel has to got exactly half of the bits.

In stereo, you're not constrained to 50% for each channel.


Gabriel Bouvigne - France
MP3 ENCODER mailing list ( )

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