On Sun, 9 Jul 2000, Don Melton wrote:

> Thanks.  This fix is also in but in a slightly different way.  I modifed
> the actual tagging routines in lame.c to check for Ogg Vorbis output
> rather than making the client code responsible, so we only have to do
> the test in one place rather than in all clients.

Huh. I thought it made more sense to make the client code responsible as
long as the routines had 'id3' in the name.

If you are reworking things, please be aware that the vorbis comment
header is more flexible, basically allowing arbitrary token-stringvalue
pairs (though there is a standard set that players/encoders should
recognize) and there can be multiple instances of the same tag. So it
would be nice to be able to say:

lame --ogg --ta "Peter Gabriel" --ta "Kate Bush" \
  --tag "CDDBID=foo" song.wav song.ogg

and have it handle things properly. But obviously this complicates things
quite a bit.

Thanks for the commit,

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